Culinarily speaking…I happened upon one of the most delightful culinary experiences. What if you were invited to a mystery 5-course dinner prepared by an extraordinary Italian chef who has a sommelier on hand offering an exquisite wine pairing with each course? You don’t know where it will take place or what the menu will be…24 hours before the event, you receive the anxiously anticipated directions to the location. It could take place outside on a lovely farm, on top of a skyscraper overlooking the city, in a luxurious residence…the sky’s the limit. I have attended such an event, and return as often as I can.
The chef is out of this world, his sommelier hits the mark every time, and the company you meet at your table is always fun & engaging. I call them ‘my secret dinners’. These unparalleled experiences are called ‘Culinary Mischief’ and ‘THE {UN}OFFICIAL’ – the difference being the number of diners in attendance. Chef Gabriele Bertaccini is the essential ingredient in this not to be missed dining experience. Believe me, I watch my email inbox closely for the next invitation!